
Voices from the Storm: The People of New Orleans on Hurricane Katrina and Its Aftermath Curriculum
The lessons provide an opportunity to examine this disaster through the lens of race and class in contemporary American society.

Out of Exile: Narratives from the Abducted and Displaced People of Sudan Curriculum
In these lesson plans, the stories and discussion questions for Out of Exile create an opening for students to explore firsthand the internal and external struggles that exiled persons or refugees face.

Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives Curriculum
The lesson plans help students explore aspects of the “American Dream,” myths and facts about immigration, and encourage students to develop their own responses to this human rights issue.

Inside This Place, Not of It: Narratives from Women’s Prisons Curriculum
These accompanying lesson plans allow students to examine intersectionality and gender bias as well as reproductive rights within the context of the U.S. criminal justice system.

Patriot Acts: Narratives of Post-9/11 Injustice Curriculum
These accompanying lesson plans bring home these realities in a personal and relatable way, allowing students to grapple with the human costs that lie at the heart of this pertinent contemporary issue.

Nowhere to be Home: Narratives from Survivors of Burma’s Military Regime Curriculum
In this corresponding curriculum, students will examine the rights of political prisoners in Burma, making personal connections and connections to political prisoners around the world.

Hope Deferred: Narratives of Zimbabwean Lives Curriculum
These accompanying lesson plans for Hope Deferred create a point of entry for examining the past and present history of Zimbabwe, a Southern African country struggling with the legacy of colonialism, oppressive political leadership, and a collapsed economy.

Throwing Stones at the Moon: Narratives From Colombians Displaced by Violence Curriculum
These accompanying lesson plans explore the cultural, political, and emotional realities of being forced from one’s home or country of origin.