Upcoming Events
For Educators: Amplifying Sanctuary Voices Curriculum
As we move into an increasingly unstable political environment for immigrants, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant and Voice of Witness are offering this webinar to support educators in bringing curriculum around immigration and first-person stories from immigrants into their classrooms. The ASV Migration Project: Middle School Educators’ Guide is a 12 lesson curriculum that was piloted with a youth advisory board and includes testimonials from the Now You Hear Us podcast, Voice of Witness, and Youth UnMuted. The guide encourages teachers to facilitate guest speakers and field trips to immigrant-serving organizations to deepen understanding and empathy around the asylum-seeker experience and encourage civic participation.
This webinar will provide an introduction to the methods and lessons in the curriculum and orient educators to the many ways they can use ASV stories and curricula in their classrooms.

Storytelling for Social Change Webinar
In this webinar, VOW staff will provide an introduction to our storytelling methodology and the use of oral history to document and amplify first-person testimonies. We will explore the power of personal narrative as a format and discuss key elements of the oral history process, including best practices in ethical interviewing and project creation. The webinar will also feature guest speaker Ricia Chansky, editor of the book Mi María: Surviving the Storm, Voices from Puerto Rico.
This event is for anyone interested in using first-person storytelling to build community and advance justice.