
How We Go Home: Voices from Indigenous North America Curriculum
The lessons use oral history to promote a nuanced understanding of Indigenous communities and settler colonialism.

Palestinian Voices Lesson Plan
This single lesson plan is designed to center first-person narratives and provide an entry point into discussion on the war in Gaza and Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

The Power of the Story: The Voice of Witness Teacher’s Guide to Oral History
This comprehensive guide allows teachers and students to explore contemporary issues through the transformative power of oral history, and to develop the communication skills necessary for creating vital oral history projects in their own communities.

Oral History Cookbook Guide
Creating an oral history cookbook provides students with the opportunity to connect with their own cultural knowledge while building speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. This guide helps educators facilitate an oral history cookbook project.

Stagg High School VOW Class Toolkit
This toolkit shares a collection of high-impact projects and assignments for educators interested in creating their own oral history units or classes.

Benefits of an Oral History–Based Course: A Case Study
What are the unique benefits of an oral history-based course? Read our case study that evaluates the short- and long-term impact on student learning.

Refugee Hotel Curriculum
The lessons incorporate photography, visual art, and critical thinking, as they examine the assumptions that come with the label “refugee.”

Surviving Justice: America’s Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated Curriculum
The lesson plans for Surviving Justice explore the flawed and complicated nature of the U.S. criminal justice system through the first-person stories of wrongfully convicted and exonerated individuals.