New Workshop: How Oral History Storytelling Can Support Ethical Fundraising

Join Voice of Witness for an online workshop on June 7 to learn about using ethics-driven storytelling practices in development work.

Fundraisers know better than anyone the need to effectively illustrate the impact of a nonprofit’s work. Highlighting first-person stories from program participants is one method to demonstrate value to potential supporters and donors beyond just numbers and statistics.

Oral history is a particularly powerful tool for ethically collecting and sharing people’s stories. Through gathering, preserving, and amplifying the voices of communities interacting with nonprofit services, oral history practices allow organizations to illuminate their work in a way that centers the lived experiences and expertise of their constituents.

This workshop will provide an introduction to ethics-driven oral history storytelling and share best practices that can help nonprofit fundraisers and development staff engage with personal narratives using processes that foreground the dignity, ownership, and authority of those sharing their stories.

Voice of Witness staff will share key principles, explore important considerations when using storytelling for fundraising, discuss a recent case study, and include time for personal reflection and questions.

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