Sequoia Living

Supporting Multilingual Learners with Intergenerational Storytelling
Over the previous semester, Voice of Witness supported a new cohort of students and senior citizens in completing an intergenerational storytelling project, focused on using oral history and ethics-driven, culturally responsive practices to build relationships …

VOW Storytelling Support: Amplify Your Community’s Voices
Building on over 10 years of oral history storytelling, Voice of Witness (VOW) has developed a methodology that effectively uses personal narrative to support a wide range of organizations and projects, including those focused on education, arts, social …

Intergenerational Storytelling Project: Seniors and Students Build Relationships Through Narrative Art
Over the course of the 2019-2020 school year, Voice of Witness (VOW) engaged in a consultancy and collaboration with Sequoia Living, a local nonprofit organization that provides housing and services to impacted seniors in San …