Oakland Technical High School

Making History: How a Hurricane Katrina Survivor Helped One Student Find Her Purpose
“This was a turning point in my life.”  STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Danielle Covington Danielle discovered her passion for socially engaged theatre in high school, while adapting the VOW book Voices from the Storm: The People of …

“Finding Where Our Souls Met”
We’re constantly inspired by the amazing oral history projects created by the students and teachers we work with. One of the most dynamic projects we’ve seen this year is Voices from the Storm. Students from Oakland Technical High …

Dec. 2: OakTechRep Performs Excerpts from Voices from the Storm
Arts Alliances: Real Time Collaboration Location: SoleSpace, 1714 Telegraph Ave., Oakland, CADate: December 2, 2015  |  7:30-9pm Come join OakTech Rep, Oakland Technical High School’s award winning theatre company, as they perform excerpts from their …

OakTechRep Presents: Voices from the Storm
Oakland Technical High School’s award-winning, critically acclaimed student company OakTech Rep will perform a theatrical adaptation of Voices from the Storm: The People of New Orleans on Hurricane Katrina and its Aftermath. The group will …