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Palestinian Voices Lesson Plan

In light of the ongoing violence and human rights violations in Palestine, we developed this lesson plan to support educators in facilitating nuanced conversation with students. This single lesson curriculum is designed to center first-person narratives and provide an entry point into deeper discussion around the war in Gaza and Israel’s occupation of Palestine. In one class session, students will read an oral history excerpt (included within the lesson plan) from VOW’s book Palestine Speaks and investigate how firsthand accounts and storytelling can help us process global issues. Students will use this empathy-based thinking to explore the following questions:

  • Why are silenced, “hidden,” or unheard stories important?
  • What can we learn about the war in Palestine through first-person narratives?

Grades: Flexible and adaptable for middle school and high school.

Time Needed: One class session.


  • Students can think critically about the role of first-person storytelling during times of crisis, and the importance of amplifying unheard voices.
  • Students can make connections from  first-person narratives to personal experience and prior knowledge.

 A longer unit focusing on Palestine Speaks: Narratives of Life Under Occupation, is also available for download along with our statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Palestine Speaks lesson plans

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