Download the Toolkit

Displaced In Colombia


Displaced in Colombia is a multimedia project that brings together oral history and documentary photography to explore contemporary first-person stories of people impacted by the decades-long violence in Colombia.

For over fifty years, Colombia has been embroiled in internal armed conflict among guerrilla groups, paramilitary militias, and the country’s own military. Civilians in Colombia have faced a range of abuses from all sides, including killings, disappearances, and rape—and more than four million have been forced to flee their homes.

This project draws from oral histories included in the Voice of Witness book Throwing Stones at the Moon: Narratives from Colombians Displaced by Violenceand includes photographs by Magnum Foundation photographers on the ground in Colombia.

This project is a collaboration between Voice of Witness and Magnum Foundation. We are grateful for the generous support of the Lambent Foundation and the San Francisco Arts Commission, which have made this collaboration possible.


The education toolkit is designed to engage students with the human stories behind the headlines, and to provide a model for photographers and journalists exploring interdisciplinary approaches to human rights reporting.

In addition to the video and photographs below, the kit includes:

  • Narrative excerpts from Throwing Stones at the Moon
  • Lesson plans for high school teachers
  • Glossary of terms and map of Colombia
  • Additional resources on the Colombian conflict

Download the Toolkit

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The Magnum Foundation and Voice of Witness welcome suggestions and feedback as part of our commitment to providing relevant, engaging curriculum to schools and communities. With this goal in mind, we ask that teachers fill out a brief feedback survey at the conclusion of their work with the toolkit.


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