
Stagg High School VOW Class Toolkit
This toolkit shares a collection of high-impact projects and assignments for educators interested in creating their own oral history units or classes.

Beginning Again: Stories of Movement and Migration in Appalachia Curriculum
These lessons explore oral histories that examine the complexities of why people leave, why people stay, and and the systems that interact with individual choice. The curriculum is rooted in an Ethnic Studies framework that questions dominant narratives and promotes critical thinking around not only the Appalachian region, but migration and displacement in general.

Deep Conversation Starters for Relationship Building
This single-page handout contains over twenty prompts to spark new stories, deepen bonds, and create a safe and brave space for sharing.

Say It Forward: A Guide to Social Justice Storytelling
Say It Forward is a DIY oral history guide that outlines best practices for social justice storytelling and community-based projects.

Ethical Storytelling Principles
VOW’s ethical storytelling principles are grounded in values of respect, dignity, empathy, transparency, collaboration, and equity. These principles are relevant to many forms of community-based storytelling and programs.

How We Go Home: Voices from Indigenous North America Curriculum
The lessons use oral history to promote a nuanced understanding of Indigenous communities and settler colonialism.

Palestinian Voices Lesson Plan
This single lesson plan is designed to center first-person narratives and provide an entry point into discussion on the war in Gaza and Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Palestine Speaks: Narratives of Life Under Occupation Curriculum
This accompanying  curriculum creates a flexible unit of study that allows students and teachers an opportunity to critically and creatively explore the day-to-day realities of Palestinians living under occupation, including the oft-ignored violations of human rights that occur daily.