
Benefits of Oral History
What is the value of oral history? This resource page explores the transformative power of oral history-based storytelling and its many applications. Goals and outcomes can include education, advocacy, healing and connection, community building, ethical storytelling, and narrative change.

Say It Forward: A Guide to Social Justice Storytelling
Say It Forward is a DIY oral history guide that outlines best practices for social justice storytelling and community-based projects.

Ethical Storytelling Principles
VOW’s ethical storytelling principles are grounded in values of respect, dignity, empathy, transparency, collaboration, and equity. These principles are relevant to many forms of community-based storytelling and programs.

Book Club Discussion Questions: Voices From the Storm
Use these questions to start a book club or discussion about Voices From the Storm.

Book Club Discussion Questions: Unheard Voices of the Pandemic
Use these questions to start a book club or discussion about Unheard Voices of the Pandemic.

Book Club Discussion Questions: Chasing the Harvest
Use these questions to start a book club or discussion about Chasing the Harvest.

Book Club Discussion Questions: Lavil
Use these questions to start a book club or discussion about Lavil.

Book Club Discussion Questions: Six By Ten
Use these questions to start a book club or discussion about Six By Ten.