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High Rise Stories follows the lives of 12 former residents of Chicago’s iconic public housing units, including Cabrini Green, Robert Taylor Homes, Stateway Gardens, Rockwell Gardens, Grace Abbott Homes, and Lakefront Properties. In 2003, the destruction of the 28 buildings that comprised Robert Taylor Homes was aired widely on the news and YouTube. But the stories of the people who lived in those buildings – the families and communities – and how the demolitions impacted them are largely unheard.
High Rise Stories
Compiled & Edited by Audrey Petty
High Rise Stories follows the lives of 12 former residents of Chicago’s iconic public housing units, including Cabrini Green, Robert Taylor Homes, Stateway Gardens, Rockwell Gardens, Grace Abbott Homes, and Lakefront Properties. In 2003, the destruction of the 28 buildings that comprised Robert Taylor Homes was aired widely on the news and YouTube. But the stories of the people who lived in those buildings – the families and communities – and how the demolitions impacted them are largely unheard.