Meet Our New Website!

VOW's new oral history website just launched

The team at Voice of Witness (VOW) is thrilled to share our new website! 

Two years ago, VOW embarked on a learning journey through our strategic vision planning process. Taking a look at our programs, operations, and culture, we identified areas where we can further embody our values internally and externally. We committed to going deeper with our community-led approach in order to make a greater impact through ethics-driven oral history and storytelling for justice.

We also began a community feedback process to hear from our network about what resonated, what didn’t, and how we could more effectively conduct and share our work. Through a combination of surveys, facilitated group brainstorms, individual stakeholder interviews, and organization-wide discussions, we worked together to determine how to improve and communicate VOW’s programs and impact. Insightful responses from storytellers, educators, advocates, organizers, artists, and others in our community helped shape our next steps.

As a part of these shifts, we’ve been working to develop a new website that better serves our communities’ needs and better reflects our bold approach and urgent mission.

We couldn’t be more excited to share VOW’s revamped website. Here are some of the highlights:

  • A more inclusive, warm, and welcoming look that better reflects our transformative work and passion for community and connection
  • Improved accessibility, language translation options, and mobile-friendly design
  • An updated resource library! Our new repository of oral history, storytelling, and curricular resources is organized with a filter system and search functionality to improve your ability to find what you are looking for
  • More ways to share powerful stories, narratives, and quotes, as well as highlight our increasing focus on community partnerships and creative collaborations
  • New content exploring the value and applications of oral history. Learn about:
  • Streamlined navigation so you can easily find and learn about our different program and impact areas
  • More clarity on how folks can get involved, work with VOW, and stay in touch!

The new VOW website is inspired by many of the values that we hold close, including empathy, dignity, inquiry, and collaboration. It is a visual representation of how we’re collectively working toward a future where historically silenced communities’ stories are documented and amplified in order to create a more inclusive, just world.

We hope the refreshed website inspires you to stay connected and join us in this work. Thank you for being a vital part of the Voice of Witness community!

Thank you to rootid for guiding us through this process and developing the website, and thank you to Acton Family Giving for the financial support to make this project possible.

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