hear/say Book Launch & Reception at UCSF Memory and Aging Center

Join us on February 2, 2017 to celebrate the book launch of hear/say, a collection of personal stories about aging, dementia, art, and life.

5:30 presentation, reader’s theater, video, and Q&A
6:30 reception, book available for $20 cash

This book resulted from a year-long collaboration between UCSF Memory and Aging Center and Voice of Witness, the 2016 Hellman Visiting Artist at the Memory and Aging Center. The book includes personal stories from patients, caregivers, health care providers, researchers, staff, and artists.

Register for this free event on Eventbrite

See event on Facebook

Driving directions and campus maps are available at Directions to Mission Bay.

The UCSF Mission Bay campus is served by the Muni T-Third Street line, which stops at the UCSF Mission Bay Station located on Third Street near 16th Street. This applies for both north- and southbound travel – that is, going downtown or out to San Francisco’s southeast neighborhoods.

For further public transit information, contact the San Francisco Municipal Railway directly at 415.673.MUNI or visit the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Website.

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