Education Leadership Transitions at Voice of Witness

Cliff Mayotte

Voice of Witness is in the midst of planning for the transition of our longtime Education Program Director, Cliff Mayotte, who will be leaving VOW at the end of 2022.

A constant source of light, laughter, and wisdom, Cliff has been invaluable in shaping our ethics-driven approach to oral history and human rights education. We have each learned so much from Cliff and will miss him dearly. Read his transition letter below.

Dear VOW Community,

I am writing to share some bittersweet news. At the end of this year, I will be stepping down from my position as Education Program Director at Voice of Witness (VOW). I’m thrilled to announce that current Education Specialist and Program Coordinator, Erin Vong, will become the program’s new director. Erin’s skill set and expertise as an educator and leader is impressive, combining a rigorous detailed approach with her trademark generosity of spirit and strong commitment to our community of teachers, students, and narrators.

While I am incredibly proud of all the program has accomplished since I joined Voice of Witness in 2010, I have decided to step down after twelve years to begin a new chapter in my life. I feel the need for deep rest, rejuvenation, and a change.

Both personally and professionally, it’s impossible to express in a short letter what being a part of Voice of Witness has meant to me. To say that I have found my time with Voice of Witness fulfilling is an immense understatement. Having the opportunity to learn from so many educators, students, advocates, journalists, and artists has been life-changing, and I will carry these lessons with me going forward. Working with the committed VOW staff and board has been a profoundly enriching experience. I am extremely grateful to have been a part of this organization striving to amplify the voices of people impacted by—and fighting against—injustice.

I believe wholeheartedly in the mission and values of Voice of Witness, and I’m certain that Erin will lead the education program boldly into the future. I’m looking forward to seeing this future take shape in the coming months. 

With love, and in solidarity,
Cliff Mayotte
VOW Education Program Director

Upcoming Opportunity:

With the transition of our current staff member Erin Vong into the Education Program Director role (congratulations, Erin!), Voice of Witness will be hiring a new Education Specialist and Program Coordinator.

Stay tuned for the job description, which will be posted on April 1st. Please share this opportunity with your educator networks!

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