A Warm Welcome to Our New Managing Editor

Introducing Dao X. Tran (left), our new managing editor, and saying goodbye to Luke Gerwe (right) after four and a half years of amazing work.

It’s a bittersweet time for the Voice of Witness team as we bid farewell to one of our amazing staff members (and welcome a fantastic new member to the team).

After four and a half years, Luke Gerwe, stalwart managing editor of the VOW book series, is heading off to his next adventure. Under his watch, we’ve put five books out into the world that amplify important, rarely heard voices, and have launched five new projects through the VOW Story Lab. Our book series has never been stronger, and we couldn’t have achieved this without Luke’s hard work and unwavering dedication.

Over the past month, Luke has been working alongside our new managing editor Dao X. Tran to ensure a smooth transition. Dao brings with her years of experience in editing, publishing, and community organizing, and a longstanding commitment to human rights and social justice. Prior to joining the VOW team, she worked as the senior editor at Haymarket Books, on titles across a wide range of subject matter including oral history, history, sociology, environmental science, and poetry.

We’re excited to work with her and are confident the book series will go from strength to strength under her leadership—we can’t think of a better person for Luke to hand over the reins to.

Thank you, Luke, for all you’ve done for VOW. We’ll miss your wisdom and your deadpan, philosophical humor, and wish you all the very best in your next chapter.


Mimi Lok
Cofounder & Executive Director
Voice of Witness


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