Voice of Witness Summer Oral History Activity Packet for Students

Summer Student Oral History Activity

Welcome to all students, parents, and educators!

We hope you are enjoying your summer in any way you can. The Voice of Witness education team put together this oral history toolkit as a small project that can help students stretch their art and communication muscles while on break. The target age range for the project is middle through high school, but it’s a great activity for anyone and we encourage “students” of all ages to participate.

This is an opportunity to sit down with someone in your life (in-person or virtually), learn more about their experiences, and represent them in an artistic form that helps you honor their story.

Project goals:

  • 20-minute oral history interview (or longer)
  • 3 quotes from the interview
  • 3 photos that represent the quotes

The oral history activity packet features detailed instructions and examples.

We would love to feature your work on our website! If you are interested in sharing what you are able to create, please email edu@voiceofwitness.org with any photos and quotes, and we’ll be in touch. You can also email us with any questions you have about the project.

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